What are Super computers?

 What are Supercomputers?

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The supercomputer is the fastest computer in the world that can process data very fast. Computing performance of a "supercomputer" is much more measured than that of a general purpose computer. The computing performance of supercomputers is measured in FLOPS (floating-point operations per second) rather than MIPS. Supercomputers have thousands of processors, which can count billions and trillions per second, or you could say that supercomputers can deliver up to a hundred quadiles of FLOPS.

Supercomputers were introduced in 1960 and were developed by Seymour Cray with Atlas at the University of Manchester. Cray designed the CDC 1604 which was the world's first supercomputer and it replaces the vacuum tube with transistors. They use cluster systems. Cluster system computing means that the machine uses multiple processors in a system rather than an array of individual computers in a network. The size of these computers is large. The most powerful supercomputers can range from a few feet to hundreds of feet. Supercomputers can cost from $ 2 million to over $ 100 million. The fastest supercomputer in the world was Sunway TaihuLight, in the city of Wixu, China, developed by China's National Research Center of Parallel Computer Engineering and Technology (NRCPC).

 Features of Super Computer

  • It can support more than a hundred users at a time.
  • These machines are capable of solving huge amounts of calculations that are beyond human capabilities, that is, humans are unable to solve such extensive calculations.
  • Many individuals can access supercomputers at the same time.
  • These are the most expensive computers that can ever be built.
  • Supercomputers have more than 1 CPU (Central Processing Unit), which has instructions so that it can interpret instruction and perform economical and logical tasks quickly.
  • The supercomputer supports the CPU's extremely high computation speed.
  • They work on pairs of numbers instead of pairs of numbers.
  • They were initially used in applications related to national security, nuclear weapons design and cryptography. But nowadays it is also employed by the aerospace, automotive and petroleum industries. 

Uses of Super Computer

  • Supercomputers are not used for everyday tasks because of their superiority.
  • Supercomputers handle applications that require real-time processing. Uses are as follows:
  • They are used for weather forecasting, meteorology, nuclear power research, physics and chemistry, as well as extremely complex animated graphics such as scientific simulations and research. Simultaneously they are also used to detect new diseases and to predict disease behavior and treatment.
  • The military uses supercomputers to test new computers, tanks and weapons. They are also used to understand the impact on soldiers and wars. These machines are also used to encrypt data.
  • Scientists use them to test the effects of nuclear weapon explosions.
  • Supercomputers are used to produce Hollywood animations.
  • In entertainment, supercomputers are used for online gaming.
  • Supercomputers help stabilize game performance when a lot of users are playing games.

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